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MW2 Enterprise Mobile Application Development
Thanks to the increasing use of mobile devices, mobile application development is becoming more popular. Years ago, having a mobile app was something only for the ultra-rich companies. Nowadays, however, even the smallest of businesses can afford to jump on the mobile app bandwagon. With MW2 Mobile, we bring today's latest mobile app development practices to your table at an affordable price. Even better is that we handle all of the app development processes for you, allowing you to focus on core business functions that are crucial to keeping your business afloat, such as customer service. For now, let's take a closer look at enterprise mobile app development, including what it is and how MW2 Mobile can be of help.
What Is Mobile App Development?
When you scroll through Facebook on your phone, you are doing so by either using the site's mobile website or its mobile app. In order to use the app, however, you will first need to download it to your phone. The type of smartphone you have and the operating system it uses, such as Android or iOS, will determine which specific app you need to download. Once you start using the mobile app, however, you will quickly see how it simplifies the use of the Facebook site on your device. It will almost be as if the Facebook site was created specifically for your device.
When mobile applications are developed, they must be made according to a specific set of rules and requirements. These rules and requirements are determined by the operating system the application will run on. Because of this, if you want your mobile application to run on different operating systems (and you should), then the application will need to have the ability to run according to a various set of rules and requirements. For example, when an Android user is using your app, it must run according to Java rules. When an iOS user is using your app, it must run according to Objective C rules.
As you have your mobile application developed, you are not creating a single app. Instead, you are, essentially, creating an app for each mobile platform that you want your app to be accessible on.
A simple definition of mobile application development is outlined on Wikipedia, which states,
"Mobile application development is the process by which application software is developed for low-power handheld devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. These applications can be pre-installed on phones during manufacture, downloaded by customers from various mobile software distribution platforms, or delivered as web applications using server-side or client-side processing (e.g. JavaScript) to provide an "application-like" experience within a Web browser."
Deciding Which Mobile Application Development Is Right for You
As you decide which mobile app development is right for you, you first need to pinpoint your goals. Is the app going to be used for gaming purposes? Purchasing purposes? Informational purposes? Your goals will determine which platforms the app needs to be created for as well as whether or not you need to charge a fee for application download. If your app is going to cost a significant amount of money to develop, you may want to consider charging users for its download as a way to recoup some of the money you invested into it. Generally, however, if you can offer the app download for free of charge, you will have more people who are willing to download it.
What Can MW2 Mobile Do for You?
With MW2 Mobile, you can take advantage of end-to-end user interface services that not only improve the usability of your app but also increase its adaptability across a wide range of mobile devices. We can help you define a user experience, followed then by creating your app to correlate with this expected experience. We can also ensure the content displayed on your app is delivered through a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate platform.
It is also with MW2 Mobile that you can rest assured your application will be consistent with your existing brand. When users see your application, we want them to automatically associate it with your company; this is why we put much emphasis on the visual design of your app, including its theme, color scheme, logo placement, and more. We study your brand and pinpoint various visual aspects that we believe should be integrated into your app's overall visual design.
MW2 Mobile doesn't just throw together a mobile application and leave you to the wolves. Instead, we build prototypes to ensure the best user experience can be achieved. We test these prototypes before we create your actual application. We look at every single detail of the mobile application development process and we design various apps before deciding on one that we believe is best for your company. We also make sure that each prototype we build can be used across various operating systems; this is why the prototype stage of the app development process often takes the longest.
Within your app will be a ton of content that users can view to receive valuable answers to any questions they may have. Whether it be looking at product descriptions to answers to FAQs, all content displayed on your mobile app will be created by professional content creation specialists. We assure you that all content will be free of spelling and grammar errors and easy to comprehend; this helps ensure your company is viewed in a professional light instead of as an amateur.
MW2 Mobile specializes in custom-tailored solutions for the mobile enterprise.
Our top solutions include:
- Finance Solutions- We make it possible to integrate your finance and sales information with your mobile app to improve overall efficiency and make sure your sales team stays up-to-date with your latest inventory and purchasing data.
- Mobile CRM Solutions- Your mobile app can also include customer relationship management data, which leads to enhanced customer relationships as well as higher rates of customer retention; this drives your sales growth.
- Purchasing Solutions- Your mobile app needs a solid purchasing framework that allows your customers to easily purchase products and services. We can integrate purchasing solutions are designed specifically for your app's purposes.
- IT Service Desk Solutions- All apps need customer support options. With our IT service desk solutions, we make it simple for you to manage support tickets as well as prioritize them and respond according to priority status. This leads to happier customers, which results in higher profit levels.
- Human Resource Solutions- Our human resources solutions help to reduce expenses related to your HR department as well as improve your training and staff management capabilities.
Our goal is to create a mobile app for your company that integrates all of your enterprise services. We want both your customers and your staff to enjoy the app and use it to make their lives simpler. We believe that when all of your enterprise departments are connected, you will be able to lower your overhead costs as well as better meet the needs of your clients. The top departments that we want to see interconnected with each other through the app include:
- Human resources
- Tech support
- Customer relations
- Finance
With the help of our mobile experts, we can integrate both internal and external web services, as well as APIs, to develop new mobile apps from scratch. Even if you have a backend application database that you want to be integrated, we have the expertise to accomplish this too. MW2 Mobile understands that most apps need to work across a variety of mobile operating systems. We specialize in creating apps for both Android and iOS, and we can even create hybrid apps that work across both platforms, providing you with the ultimate ability to reach as many clients as possible with your app.
Why Choose MW2 Enterprise Mobile App Development?
Lastly, we want you to know that we highly value the confidentiality of your data. We are your go-to solution for mobile app enterprise security. All processes that we carry out follow strict protocols, and we use our expertise to develop apps that ensure your data will stay safe and secure as well as the data of your application users. We want both you and your app's users to feel safe, and we use the latest security protocols to ensure all data is exactly where it belongs and not in the hands of a hacker.
Contact us today to learn more about our mobile application development solutions.